Ódauđlegt verk um stjórn og stjórnleysi
An Eternal Piece on the Art of Manipulation
by Steinunn Knútsdóttir in collaboration with the ensemble
Actors: Ađalbjörg Árnadóttir,Árni Pétur Guđjónsson, Lára Sveinsdóttir, Orri Huginn Ágústsson, Ólafur Steinn Ingunnarson, Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir.
Duration aprox. 45 minutes

The piece is an investigationinto human nature. It is a template of the art of manipulation. It questionspower structures and it questions the driving force of human society.
An entertainer enters the space and starts his stand up. A group of manipulators have an opinion on his performance and start to interfere. Their interference gets gradually more and more invasive until he is left completely humiliated without a will of his own, a mannequin in their hands. The "Game of life" starts and the result calls for an "Deus ex machina".
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